kojiro · 6 answers · 6d

what are your favorite quotes? They can be from anywhere, media, pedi, etc

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
-(popularized by) Karl Marx

"Isn't this a dream come true? Isn't this a nightmare too?"
-Danny Elfman

"No human being is illegal."
-Elie Wiesel

"They may be my enemies - that I can not help - but I will not be theirs." -Alfred Adler

Easy to see why it would be.

I guess the next favourite one would be from D. Gray Man... "Keep walking" and thats just because it encompasses a lot of emotion in few words, and its something I say to myself a lot.

Ive pretty much taken "Be the adult you needed as a child" to heart, and I continue treating my inner child with that love too.

I also think "I will Cain your Abel" is a very good way to say "I'm going to kick your ass like I'm your sibling"

Unfortunately my brain isn't wired to be able to retain the exact order of words I've heard or read before, therefor I am unable to supply an answer.

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