kojiro · 6 answers · 6d

what are your favorite quotes? They can be from anywhere, media, pedi, etc

They're all from Ultrakill or Doom.
The opening quote for both games, "They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But YOU... You will be worse. Rip and tear. Until it is done." "Upon all the evil that Hell can conjure... All the wickedness that mankind can produce... We send upon them, only you. Rip and tear... Until it is done."
Then the endless Ultrakill quotes, like it's marketing line. "Mankind is Dead - Blood is Fuel - Hell is Full" or the entirety of the Minos Prime/Sisyphus Prime speeches, or the Gabriel Speeches. Really, for a game that has so little dialogue, ALL of it fucking bangs. The perfect mixture of voice acting and music composure certainly helps.
For a game following Doom's "Story Second" or even "Story Last" motto, it has a GREAT story.

"Ah... Free... At last... O, Gabriel... Now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall GLISTEN before the temples of man! Creature of Steel, my grattitude upon thee for my freedom, but the crimes thy kind have commited against humanity are NOT forgotten! And thy punishment... Is Death."

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