kojiro · 9 answers · 23d

what is a song or album you want to forget just so you have the experience of hearing it for the first time ever

Uhh maybe... The Monster OST............ Nerdy answer.

Here's my favourite track from it, and the one I identify most with. It goes through various emotions and different levels of intensity, it feels very dynamic and alive.


Man, this is a hard question... lots of songs and albums keep going through my head... but I keep arriving back at Dark Side of the Moon.

the flowers of robert mapplethorpe by patricia taxxon . it still makes me cry now , but nothing will beat what it was like to listen to it in full that first time


Hm! This is a tough one, as usually I don't fully appreciate an album until the second or third listen. But if I could go back to the first time I heard goretrance 9 that would be nice, as I was doing well in school and was having fun.

a specific artist, actually. but i would be scared of never finding the artist again if i did this. :(

the artist is jazmin bean!

hoenstly i cant think of one that id love to experience again, i like alot of music but ive never liked a full album

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