kojiro · 7 answers · 25d

what would an ideal date or outing with a partner or partners be like for you?

honestly just walking around places, sharing food together, going to parks, just sitting in silence and enjoying the atmosphere

Drive in movie in the back of a pickup truck with a futon pad, bean bag chair, and lots of blankets. We share a box of pizza, and cuddle up together. Then afterward we join some friends for a bonfire, and camp out under the stars in the back of the truck.

we all get high enough to consider going to the hospital, then a little higher for good measure. i talk about my ocs and how the reasons i made them fit into the context of my life at the time and the trauma reasons behind them. my partners treat me like a podcast where they can ask questions and i go on long-winded tangents about every single question. when it starts to get late i show them my extensive nsfw art and we recreate it until refractory periods are the limiting factor or someone falls asleep

A walk to get food someplace locally owned and then hanging outside for a late evening just chilling with some music.

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