peach gummy · 9 answers · 21d

smash or pass: camel spiders?

bro you dont get how scared of spiders i am
pass, pass, i wont even say 'smash' as a 'oh actually i mean with a hammer lmao" I WANT TO BE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING PLANET FROM THAT THING
if i am close enough to kill a spider, that's 100 feet too fucking close
send the fuckin thing back to australia, evict that late abortion from my fucking country

The spider could rape me because I'd immediately pass out if I saw a camel spider in the flesh

Too small for my preference, but if they were much larger (anywhere from about the size of my torso to twice my size), smash.

if i could i would smash so freaking hard. pweaaase let me be a camel spider for a day just to know-

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