Anon puppy ¡ 28d

heyyy same anon btw! and yes, i have just discovered you. im asking these questions out of curiosity and im trying to find where i stand under the “pro-fiction” umbrella. im sorry if im coming off as rude or annoying. im simply curious and on a journey of self discovery :3. as for your last response, is there any evidence to back up your claims? is there proof that consuming media containing underaged characters doesn’t effect people in real life? its not exactly a black and white topic i believe. and in some cases its even illegal! but im starting to not care unless there is am active victim being harmed. like i dont want a callout post about someone whos into feral or cub art and theres not anyone being hurt. because who cares! but then again its so looked down upon. its confusing.

dw i don’t think you’re coming off as rude i appreciate your just trying to learn! i agree that this topic is nuanced but basically the idea that loli art alone will cause people to abuse real children follows the exact logic of “violent video games cause real violence”, which has been scientifically proven to be untrue. i don’t agree that any art should be illegal regardless of the subject matter, legality doesn’t equal morality. in the past few years there’s been a huge uprise in puritan ideology amongst young adults that’s causing more moral panic over taboo artwork, which is concerning and understandably makes these conversations tough to navigate. i appreciate you being open minded but you don’t have to worry about pro-whatever labes :3

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