Anon puppy ¡ 1mo

hey! do you think people with paras should seek help? or is it okay for them to just live with themselves like that

depends on the person and the para, all attractions can be considered paraphilias so obviously having one on it’s own doesn’t mean you need therapy, id say you only need therapy specifically for your para if you either, have genuine urges to act on an attraction that the subject of your attraction doesn’t/can’t consent to (map/zoo/necro ect), or if you’re attraction causes you distress in any way. however if you look for therapy for the former look at the laws in your state/country, even if you haven’t/won’t commit an actual crime, if you’re therapist has reasonable suspicion to think you will then they could be allowed to contact authorities, that’s not something i agree with as it stops a lot of people getting the help they need

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