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Varlus · 9 answers · 1mo

Did you have a nickname growing up? Do others still use it now?

Traditionally, no. Online, my 'nickname' hasn't change very much since I was maybee... 8 or so.

my parents used to call me 'chicken',, and they still use it for me c: i also had a lot of other nicknames which stem from people not being able to pronounce or remember my real name,, but those don't really count i don't think jsjsjsjsj

i do , it's based on my deadname . people still use it it's what everyone knows me as , to the point some of the humans in my life forget that it's not my legal name

My real name is shortened for practical use cause my full name is a bit complicated and its jus much easier for the shorter version. OwO

I use to have a nickname that toyed with how I was very in the shadows and able to slip away from everyone. I have not heard a soul speak it wince leaving school, I think I'd take psychic damage if I did

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