Varlus · 13 answers · 22d

Have you ever ridden a horse/donkey/pony?

i actually used to do horse-riding when i was around 5-11 years old but i stopped because the instructors would always push me into galloping and it scared me, so i quit

Yes, only like two or three times though and all as a kid/teen. Kitty had a brief horsegirl phase though

I have a vague memory of going to a ranch or something as a small child, and I think I might have briefly sat on a horse and been walked around. That's about it.

I have not, and I'ma be honest, I think I would be terrified of fucking up and getting hurt if I ever did, lol.

I've been horseback riding a few times, including once in the mountains in Oregon. I also rode on a donkey once.

i rode a camel when i was really little and i rode a sheep when i was 12 . does that count

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