Varlus · 12 answers · 17d

Have you ever gone camping? What was your favorite activity?

My memory is a bit hazy; I may've done it once while I was in boyscouts as a kid? (Remember: I'm trans, and yes, that was a thing my parents made me do. Even back when, I would've preferred to play games all day.)
I do know there hasn't ever been a point in my life where I would've jumped at the idea, since I haven't found it super appealing to spend a day out in the woods just sight seeing, or sleeping a tent. Especially since most wild life and bugs discomfort me at best, and freak me out at worst. Hell, I'd even be a little paranoid at the idea of spending the day out with most friends

Although, I'm not opposed to the idea anymore. Since graduation, I basically just spend all my time inside which can get a bit mundane. But, I don't really know what else to do, so I kinda keep doing what I am already and 'I dunno, maybe I'll get something done.' I could certainly use the variety.

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