kojiro · 7 answers · 28d

what foods did you like when you were younger and dislike/hate now? conversely, foods you hated when you were younger but appreciate now?

i used to really like porridge and marmite. now i can't stand them. and as for the opposite, i honestly don't know because i carry grudges against food with me for yearrs and years

When I was a toddler I liked bologna, but stopped liking that in later childhood. As a child, I didn't like beans, meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, or potatoes au gratin, but now I do.

can't think of anything i liked then hated .. i'm becoming more open to foods the older i get . i know i hated spaghetti as a kitten but now i love it . yum yum

Most foods I liked as a child I hate now really. Most breads, candies, quick meals, a lot of processed junk. Learning to cook + trying keto successfully ruined a lot to my tastebuds. So now a lot of stuff I hated as a kid is pretty cool now. Biggest ones are most seafood, hated seafood as a kid, including shrimp. Now tilapia, salmon, sushi, and crab are main stays of my diet.

i cannot STAND pork or bacon or anything like it, but i liked it as a chrono kid. im just picky with meat in general now though, other people in our system dont mind it

i used to hate guacamole and now its awesome :>

Can't think of any I used to like but not anymore, don't think I have anything like that.

For the reverse: mushrooms and dark chocolate.

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