kojiro · 4 answers · 1mo

what are song(s) that you associate with a time, place, memory?

I have very specific roads from my childhood town that I asscoiate with stronger by kelly clarkson and cool for the summer by demi lovato. the former was my first favorite song ;w; and I remember hearing the latter when it came out on the radio and falling in love with it. around that time my parents would also sometimes wake me up with nyan cat lmaoo, ate that shit up as a kid. I alos went to this summer daycare on the military base and I remember discovering these furry animations of canadian please and the marcoss frontier nyan nyan song on that computer. also jack stauber's buttercup and baby hotline, chlorine by twenty one pilots, northern lights by death cab for cutie, and missed connection by the head and the heart remind me of 12, and anything by green day reminds me of 13, I was fucking obsessed. dookie was my first ever album on vinyl. I could go on like this for many years of my life jjkhgkjg. good ask, ty :>

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