Varlus · 10 answers · 25d

When's the last time you tried something new? Anything, an activity, food, a book...

hmmmn im thinking.., i tried actually learning how to read treble clef and recognize notes by ear. i suck at it but should keep going since i am trying to take singing seriously (seriously as in keep it up as a hobby)

I started learning web programming a few months ago. I'd like to be able to do something for the community, but we'll see how that goes.

Just a few days ago I started Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and finished it recently too! I'm super proud of myself because that was the first time in many years anyone in my system had finished a fiction book.

like a week ago . trying my hand at 100%ing a game for the first time (it's psychonauts) and it's surprisingly been pretty fun . got triggered near the end though so i've been taking a break , so close to being done though !!! on the final level

i tried something new a while ago, making! my first ever time making a masto instance

relatively recently! i wasn't into vocaloid but its my partners current fixation so i gave some vocaloids a try and ended up liking a couple

usually new music, every few weeks or so when i'm feeling it. i like to go on soulseek, scroll the chatrooms for genres i like, find someone with a lot of files and take something lossless that seems cool. i think most recently i found out about a band called agent orange this way and i really connected.

At the beginning of summer, I started gardening. Basil and sunflowers. It's been enjoyable watching them grow, enjoyable using them in food

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