Varlus · 13 answers · 27d

Are you monogamous or non-monogamous?

completely monogamous,,, i'm too possessive over people i like and allergic to people to have more than one partner

kinda aro/lithoro so ig neither? I kinda really fucking hate the concept of monogamy personally but also the emotional masochist and yandere enjoyer in me likes the idea of being forced into it hgkjjkmghlhgjl like pick a struggle damn😭

I only have past experience with monogamous dynamics, but for many reasons relationships have not worked out well for me.

I consider myself non-monogamous because the idea of getting into another strictly monogamous relationship makes me feel constrained and unfulfilled. I don't mind being with one person though, as long as the option to expand is always there. I'm not sure if practically having a bunch of partners would even be something I could manage, since I am rather socially limited and drain quickly.

At this point, achieving an intimiate interest and connection to even one is near impossible.

monogamous at the moment, from past experience it was hard to love more than two beings at once. but i'm still open to an opportunity to do so

all my past relationships were non monogamous romantically + sexually but also they all sucked bc. i was like the lgf side piece for them (condensing that bit for brevity). i think romance is a touchier attraction for me and i dont think im ready for another romantic relationship for a while, much less one involving multiple people.

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