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Varlus · 6 answers · 3mo

What's a show/movie you didn't like when you were younger, but I appreciate now?

The Brady Bunch. I didn't like old shows when I was little. Now as a MAP, I have an appreciation for the Brady sisters, along with an appreciation for the show on its own merits.

The best I can come up with is Batman & Robin, the first movie I ever hated for how contrived and artificial it was. I wouldn't say I love it now, but I've at least learned that a goofy superhero movie isn't so much bad as just not my kind of thing.

oh man i cant even think of none- its normally the other way around where i revisit stuff i watched when i was a little ass kid and ask what the fuck i was thinking gjgjgj

i honestly can't think of anything i ever truly disliked , i'm not much of a Hater . maybe home movies , even now i'm not a fan of season 1 but kitten me really did not care for the show at aallll . tmbg is what made me pick it back up years later and fully watch it . thanks mr johns for playing some silly beasts

brotown, its a show made in my country but i apperaciate it now because its one of the only nz made cartoons, its a bit crude and not well aged but i like it alot

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