Anonymous Coward · 1mo

By the way, you can also reply with some links so I can do some more research if you want to! I'm the person who asked the last few questions. Or if you'd be up to it I'd actually find it really interesting to have a chat with you, via twt messages for example. I just find your viewpoints really interesting, especially since I find myself disagreeing. Yet I still feel like I'm missing something, so I'd love to get some extra explanation or some links that you feel represent your stance correctly! I believe in good faith debating, so I'd prefer to know what exactly your stance is before I can (try to!) form a rebuttal. I hope my questions didn't come off as malicious or mean, I'm currently simply trying to understand you.

Sure, we can debate. I'm not very eloquent, but if you have any questions, I'll be happy to provide answers.

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