Katie Cruz · 6 answers · 1mo

Describe the perfect non-sexual date or outing with your young friend. (Mass Ask)

A day out at a children's science museum would be lovely, one of those with lots of interactive exhibits that are more fun than educational. Stop for pizza and ice cream, and then just a quiet night of cartoons and Legos.

doomscrolling fedi together combined w cuddling and having a nature documentary on in the back

i'd take them to a nearby cafe with my laptop and play games with them there. preferably a cat cafe, but i'll compromise with anywhere quiet to moderately busy

Dinner Pizza or Homemade Lasagna, then watching Movies and cuddling and falling asleep arm in arm.

Drive in movie in the back of a pickup truck with a futon pad, bean bag chair, and lots of blankets. We share a box of pizza, and cuddle up together. Then afterward we join some friends for a bonfire, and camp out under the stars in the back of the truck.

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